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TAJ) alerts the international community to the seriousness of the accelerated
Southern Democratic Assembly - TAJ For Self-determination to South Yemeni People [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل] URGENT STATEMENT TAJ - alerts the international community to the seriousness of the accelerated incidents in the South of Yemen. To The Secretary-General of the United Nation The President and members of the UN Security Council The President of European Commission The Secretary General of the Arab League The Secretary General and the ******s of the Gulf Cooperation Council The world’s ******s and the international and regional organizations Peace be upon you The Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) would like to draw your attention to the seriousness of the accelerated incidents in South Yemen in general and in the area of Almahfad- Abyan governorate in particular. On 22nd May 2007, which is the day of what so called “unification”, the dictator of Sana’a Ali Abdullah Saleh and his clan were celebrating in the northern city of Ibb whereas all governorates of the South were witnessing peaceful demonstrations, marches and political speeches calling for the end of the Yemeni tribal and military occupation to our country. They held a big meeting in Hadhramout governorate, in the city of Mukalla where attended representatives from different regions of the South. The peaceful demonstration in the city of Dhala was repressed by the troops of the northern Yemeni occupation and used the life shots; also the demonstration in Shabwah governorate was oppressed by the security forces of the Yemeni occupying regime and kidnapped the ****** of the Reconciliation and Tolerance Committee Mr. Naser Thabet Alawlaqi and kept him in the custody for 24 hours. The most serious thing amongst all these incidents are the armed uprising in the area of Al-Mahfad in the governorate of Abyan, which is led by the retired officer (forcibly) Saeed Shahtoor calling for the southern rights and end of the Yemeni occupation to the South. The uprising is continued and developed dramatically indicating to a bloody confrontation with occupiers. The protest in Al-Mahfad is a clear proof to what “TAJ” has warned, that if the Yemeni regime keep ignoring the southern demands and continuing to implement a systematic discrimination and oppression; no doubt it will lead to an armed conflict, which has already started in Al-Mahfad. The Southern Democratic Assembly “TAJ” would like to remind the international community about our frequent warns during the last 3 years to the serious consequences due to continuing Yemeni occupation to our country. We have been raising or concerns about the unaccepted situation before all bodies that we met or contacted in the Untitled States, Europe, the Arab league, and all the international organisations. The Yemeni arrogant military occupation holds the full responsibility for the deteriorated situation and for the serious results of its practice in the South. This uprising is the first spark, which will lead to a bloody confrontation between the southern citizens and the Yemeni occupiers. No doubt this confrontation will not be between occupiers and the militants and the citizens in the area of Al-Mahfad only but it will be spread to different areas in the south as the tension now is in its high level and no one could foretell its results. The Southern Democratic Assembly “TAJ” would like to draw the attention of the International community and ask it to interfere and implement the international law in supporting our people’s cause in achieving the self-determination and have its own free state. It is the legal and the moral responsibility of the international community mainly the Arab and Islamic states to break their silence and denounce the Yemeni occupation that breaches in a wide scale the South people’s human rights, including erasing their identity, looting their wealth and properties, depriving them of jobs, freedom and neglecting their peaceful demands. We keep repeating or call to the international community to implement 924 and 931 resolutions of the Security Council for 1994, and pressurise the Yemeni occupation to comply with the international law and conventions. The moment that we have warned of has already come and it will be too late if there is no immediate international interfere to sort out the conflict peacefully and fairly. Southern Democratic Assembly 27th May 2007
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة abu khaled ; 06-01-2007 الساعة 10:52 PM |
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