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المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية
قديم 06-26-2007, 05:24 AM
الصورة الرمزية صوت الجنوب
المـدير الـعـام
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2004
المشاركات: 2,259
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة
افتراضي Urgent Press Release From “TAJ”

صوت الجنوب نيوز /2007-06-26

Urgent Press Release From “TAJ”
The Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) declares its attitude of the developments and the accelerated events in the occupied South
Press release issued by the extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee of the Southern Democratic Assembly "TAJ"
In the Name of God the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
The Executive Committee of the Southern Democratic Assembly "TAJ" has held an extraordinary meeting to discuss the serious developments and events that the occupied South has recently experienced due to the abusive practices that the Yemeni troops have been committed against the people of the South since it was fallen under the occupation in July 1994. Since 22nd May 2007 the South has been witnessed a big turn in its struggle from the peaceful to the armed struggle against the occupation. The South is witnessing a wide marches, strikes and armed conflicts due to the violence that the Yemeni troop is used against the people of the South. (TAJ) has evaluated the situation and issued the following communique: -

First: - "TAJ" greets our southern active people for their heroic, wonderful attitude and for their steadfastness against the escalated aggression that has been committed by the Yemeni occupying forces. It salutes all these heroic and spirit struggles of our people. It considers their struggle and considers it as a legal and self defence acts and highly appreciates the sacrifices of our martyrs from the governorates of Shabwah, Abyan, Lahj and Hadhramout who are innocent victims murdered by the occupation.

Second: - “TAJ” condemns all daily crimes of murders that were carried out by the Yemeni occupying forces against our people in particularly heinous crimes, which were occurred in Shabwah at the military point of AlAbr and at other military points- points of murder and humiliation- in the governorates of Shabwah and Abyan such as in the Naqba, Alarem and in the Mahfad.
“TAJ” strongly condemns the occupying forces for attacking people of the village of Shaeb Laheiah from Awad’s kinsfolk of Altomah of Laqmoosh tribes and for the arbitrary and the illegal arrest to some people of that village and robbing their houses, clothes, food, humiliating their women and children and threatened their lives.

Third: - “TAJ” strongly condemns Shabwah military ruler’s fabrications whom so-called Almaqdashi gave a statement against Shabwah’s people and deplores desecrating our holly places and women. We promise our people that, could not miss such filthy and serious crimes go unpunished and Almaqdashi will get what he deserves.

Fourth: “TAJ” would like to draw the attention of the International and the local observers who are interested in the Yemeni affairs to the exaggeration use of the military force of the Yemeni occupying regime in carrying out killing and violence against our people, which would expand the use of violence because blood cause blood, consequently Sana‘a’s regime bears full responsibility for its crimes, which are resulting with the people’s reactions mostly come in self-defence for honour and dignity. It is not the last one these revolve battles of today’s , Sunday, June 24, 2007 between the proud tribesmen in the governorate of Shabwah and Abyan and the Yemeni occupying forces, that using all types of light weapons, heavy artilleries and tanks. It is continued until the writing of this statement.

Fifth :- “TAJ” greets the courageous position of the national hero Said Al-Shahtoor in his rejection to the occupation and to its practices and hailed his appropriate response to the attacks and provocations of some Yemenis Sheikhs who look to our people in disdain, describe them at inferiority and granted themselves what they do not deserve.

Sixth: - The Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ) confirms its position of rejecting the looting of the wealth of our country, fish, oil, gold and other practices by companies under various names of investment, and (TAJ) reserves for itself the rights to prosecute those companies and authorities involved, at the same time “TAJ” does not approve killing foreigners civilians working in these companies.
Seventh: - “TAJ” is following the developments and the events in the Yemeni political arena; it strongly condemns the collusion of the ******ships of the parties of what so called (Joint Meeting Parties) with the occupying regime in an attempt to dwarf our people's right to their homeland, properties, freedom, dignity, resources. They work to turn the essential political issue to a simple human rights demands, ligtimizing to the occupation its abusive and criminal practices. So “TAJ" condemns this filthy colluding with the occupation and calls the people of the South to thwart their dishonest plan.

“TAJ” calls the Joint Meeting Parties to distinguish themselves from the tribal and the military gang and to condemn crimes committed against our people in the south by Sana’a’s regime and to recognise the rights of our nation. “TAJ” also called them for not to be helpful to the occupiers, the criminals, the murderers. Have not been able to do so, “TAJ” call on them not to go into the home and the rights of our people and leave them to continue their struggle peacefully to achieve the rights that is recognized in all heavenly religions, international laws and the United Nations Charter..
On the same time “TAJ” calls the ******ship of the Joint Meeting Parties to distinguish themselves from the tribal and the military gangs and to condemn the regime of Sana’a’s crimes committed against our people in the South, to recognise the right of our nation. “TAJ” also calls them not to be helpful to the occupiers, criminals and the murderers. If they have not been able to do so, we call them not to deal with the rights of our people and leave them to continue their peaceful struggle to get the rights recognized in all heavenly religions, international laws and the United Nations Charter ... At the same time, "TAJ" salutes the wonderful heroic stance expressed by a galaxy of our honourable southern elite who issued a statement on 23rd June, 2007 in the glorious City of Aden the eternal capital of the South.

Eight : - "TAJ" calls on all heroes citizens of the South to response the homeland appeal and standing shoulder to shoulder in the face of the occupiers and quickly provide assistance and aid to your brothers in the governorates of Shabwah and Abyan who are now combating the occupying forces and defend their dignity and honour... It also calls on the people of the South who are still in Sana’a to move away from servicing the occupying regime and to declare an explicit position condemning crimes. It is worth to remind them that the history is not a merciful.

The Southern Democratic Assembly "TAJ" renews its promise to the masses of our proud people of the continuous loyalty to struggle relentlessly with all legitimate and peaceful means to achieve freedom and self-determination for our people and to establish its desired state for itself and for the future’s generations.

“TAJ” reaffirms that all the conspiracies, sick dreams and infernal backward plans of the occupation will be failed and smashed into pieces against the rock and the will of our insist on victory. We worn the occupation that all its plans in distributing the South to fiefdoms Popularized to the Yemeni tribes such as Almahrah and Hadhramout governorates to Hashid tribes, the governorates of Shabwah and Abyan to Bakeel tribes and the governorates of Lahj, Aden to the remaining tribes and so on ... We say to the gang in Sana’a that your hellish backward plans will not go as long as the blood in our veins pulsates. We will thwart them, and leave them for the violent winds that are coming from the South. It will not rescue you by the various programs of the ******ships of the Joint Meeting Parties. All your games are open to us and we have known your secret conspiracies. No doubt they will rebound on your chests, but the South and its faithful and loyal sons will achieve the victory as long as they are determined to liberate their home and get the eternal emancipation from the tribal and backward military occupation. And tomorrow for its awaiting is close.
Issued by:
Executive Committee
The Southern Democratic Assembly "TAJ"

Sunday, June 24, 2007

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة صوت الجنوب ; 06-26-2007 الساعة 05:43 AM
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