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أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 1 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. طريقة عرض الموضوع
المشاركة السابقة   المشاركة التالية
قديم 06-26-2008, 03:52 AM
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2008
المشاركات: 6
افتراضي Statement by the constituent meeting of the National Authority for the sons of the so

Name of God the Merciful

Statement by the constituent meeting of the National Authority for the sons of the South ( in Britain) to support
National movement in the southern interior

Since the announcement of the Yemeni unity between the two Yemen Arab Republic and People's Democratic Republic of Yemen in 1990 at the start of the regime in Sanaa exercised a policy to circumvent the draft conventions aimed at emptying the unit that project and completed the historic content of our Yemeni national who dreamed lofty masses of our people to achieve it through history. The implementation of the policy Altouamrih regime in Sanaa treacherously draft nascent unit and be replaced by installing a system and circulation pattern of the Yemen Arab Republic of corrupt governance .. March has various kinds of methods of marginalization of the party reached the southern limit of physical liquidations of many cadres of the South and the abolition of key partner in the unit and all that is coming from the south in particular was represented by a bright face in this unit and the foundation for building a civil state based on justice, equality and sovereignty Law and order.

Sanaa regime has culminated in a conspiracy that dirty war in 1994 Almfairsmh and occupation of the south militarily and confiscating their land and looting of wealth and suffering in the policy of annexation and placement and mind Ghunaimah war and exclusion of the South Division and social components and geographic surpassing the decisions of the international community on the Yemeni crisis and the refusal to address them by force by warnings brothers and friends.

There is the worst exploitation of the Sanaa regime and horns cheap emotional thrust of the nobility and love of our people in the south of the unit during its .. Became such a system - which is far from the unit and its principles and goals - playing on this tune imagining that it could mislead our people which has become well aware today more than ever that regime is to Sanaa from Beit treachery unity is a leading secession unambiguous distinction whatever cloak unit falsely And slanderously, and whose name pillaging the land, soman ill people suffering .. The proud people of the south and its former days did not differentiate between citizens and citizens coming south from the Yemen Arab Republic, and both are equal like the teeth of a comb and enjoy all the rights of their respective political alike, in contrast to the former Yemen Arab Republic and later.

We have united the injustice, oppression and exclusion of the citizen as well as southern and looting and plunder their land and wealth, "he said .. All these grievances have led the sons of the south from different backgrounds and segments and categories, attracted by their resolve in the uprising and a peaceful popular movement, which formed associations of retired military and civilians and unemployed young people and associations of tolerance and reconciliation and civil society institutions spear head of those uprisings and mobility thus rejecting the policy of oppression and marginalization and obscure political and cultural identity The historic for our civilization in the south.

That mobility National People's Congress overwhelming and diverse, led by honorable people and its symbols in the South had the same break to all restrictions and fall all bets on force him to accept the status quo and continue their stubborn and mobility peaceful until the achievement of its objectives to self-determination .. Such mobility that enjoys the support of all the sons of the south at home and abroad and sympathize with him regional and international opinion increasingly must lead to victory with God's help and great ability.

In return for this peaceful popular movement that the national project, the authority Sanaa waged against our people, and many of its cities and villages in the south, the second war undeclared used in all sorts of weapons by land, sea and air and occupies and besiege towns and villages in the plains and most of the territory south and committed security and military forces the most heinous crimes in the assassination of many Activists from the movement peaceful and prevent food, water, fuel and medicine for the families of women and the elderly, children and men, and to impose an undeclared state of emergency and arrests, which affected hundreds of activists mobility peaceful southern there is not only similar to what is being done by Israel's barbaric practices against the Palestinian people.

The land south and sons yen steadfast endurance of the sun in the mountains of Aden and skilled in Hof, who did not give any gas throughout history will not dissuaded tanks, planes and Gelaozh usurped this power in breaking the will of the movement peaceful, but more people of South coherent and determined to continue the peaceful struggle to achieve Alantsarkaber God's help. . The people of South struggler all classes and social strata have different political affiliations determined and vowed to continue their stubborn and peaceful national mobility in all its forms and types as long as there is still its land and its wealth pillaged and sovereignty over their land and usurped rights and confiscation of his packed by the Palestinian Authority jails are troubled and besiege towns and villages strongly injustice and tyranny.

We are the sons of the south from various British cities in the constituent meeting, which was the culmination of the meetings of the elected committees of cities in many British cities and embodied to standardize and regulate the activities of the sons of the south in the United Kingdom belonging to different political attitudes and partisan and ideological announce the formation of the National Authority for the sons of the south in Britain for supporting mobility National peaceful in southern Yemen, an extension and a part of it .. On this occasion we call upon all our brothers the sons of the South in other states under the ******ship of the teachings of the Standardization represent everyone and modeling the movement of people and their ******ship at home and bring it adopts the ******ship inside that the ******ship of others.

And our folks at home to tell them the patient and Sabir with God and we are steadfast and God of our bodies but our hearts here with you and you and looking close tomorrow for God's will.

The brothers from the south who wisdom abnormal conditions in abuse and engage the service of this authoritarian regime say they fear Allah in the cause of your brothers and your country, not to misunderstand history, and we understand the circumstances that force in dealing with the Sanaa regime of occupation and compassion for the plight of this, but Beware to overcome the special interests to the interests of national dignity that persists or posts and turn it into a damaging your brothers in the struggle of mobility for the peaceful restoration of the right real interest and dignity are with your brothers and your brothers and the legitimate struggle of the Sanaa government appoints you to greatly humiliated, our southern and harm the honorable militants The activists in the national movement at home and their supporters abroad then it is not something Aljnobeben national whatever the pretexts and unfounded claims .. And God used.

We are also in this meeting salute the courageous positions and strong will of the students and university students in the cities of the south and steadfastness to continue the courageous sit-ins, standing with their brethren in prisons and detention camps.

We also salute the role of supervisor of doctors, university professors south to stand beside their brethren and sons of students in protests and demands the release of fellow camps and prisons.

As we salute the spirit of national women's sector, especially in the governorate of Aden in the south and all the women assume their responsibilities towards the southern Anzmamha mobility to the peaceful sit-ins and exit in response to each work of the Authority the right to the south land and people and trying to obliterate its identity and historical features.

From this meeting we also salute the role of newspapers and media websites noble cause of pro-Southern and dissemination of the facts of what are being exposed to the land south of the looting of wealth and try to eliminate the identity of a southern rights and expose the exercise of power in the falsification of facts flags across the formal and informal sectors.

We can not fail here to call our steadfast people of the provinces and the citizens of Yemen Arab Republic at home and abroad and we call upon them to come to the uprising and to support their brothers in the south as well as the emancipation of this barbaric regime backward.

We also call on the people of the south all categories of social and Mchaek figures and symbols of the national movement activists and civil society institutions and human coordination in the formation of a committee to prepare a file for each integrated crimes of assassinations and violations of the right, which affected the south and land rights, identity and submission to the international community to prosecute the Sanaa regime in accordance with international law .. It will not be in the right several demands.

At the level of world public opinion, we call on our world and the strong love of freedom, democracy and the international community, UN and the Security Council pressure on the Sanaa regime in the following:
Recognition of the southern cause and the commitment of all international covenants and the International Security Council resolutions 924/931, application and supervision by the United Nations.
Release of prisoners from the ******s of the movement of the southern colonies political security in Sanaa as well as all political detainees and opinion makers from the south.
Others lift state of emergency declared, and military embargo on all southern cities, involving public and private Kordofan and Abyan.
Stop the militarization of civilian life and raise military posts inside the cities and the return of army troops and security central to their camps.
Desist from repressive practices and arbitrary prosecutions and escalating violations against political activists and suppression of the peaceful sit-ins in all regions and districts south.
Disclose the fate of abducted and forcibly deported in secret and hidden in prisons without knowing their fate.
Stop the trials and poor image of the symbols of peaceful struggle

By the constituent meeting of the National Authority for the sons of Southern Yemen to support the national movement in the southern interior

On 21June 2008
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