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إضافة رد
قديم 12-30-2010, 03:50 PM
عضو متميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2010
المشاركات: 137
افتراضي OnOne PhotoTune 3.0.4 for Adobe Photoshop

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أقدم لكم برامج OnOne PhotoTune 3.0.4 for Adobe Photoshop

OnOne PhotoTune 3.0.4 for Adobe Photoshop | 73.88 MB

Another plugin for Adobe Photoshop by onOne Software, allows you to quickly adjust your digital photos. Plug-in PhotoTune works in three modes: image processing with people, image processing without the people and professional advanced mode. With PhotoTune you can edit the color of human skin, adjust sharpness, saturation, color and more.
In fact, PhotoTune - a single set of plugins to correct tone, color and human skin. In normal mode (not professional) works as a plug-step wizard, where all parameters are set automatically and you need only select the desired option from the results of the two images. There is also a small set of built-in presets and have the ability to save settings for future use.


New!Automatic Correction

PhotoTune 3 now features a state-of-art automatic correction algorithm called eye-fidelity originally developed by imsense. In a single click, this amazing new eye-fidelity technology will correct the brightness, contrast, color and dynamic range of any photo. This goes way beyond a simple auto-levels or shadow-highlight adjustment. It actually remaps tones to increase the dynamic range and make it appear more true-to-life, the way your eye saw the scene when you first captured the digital photo.

Improved Wizard

At the heart of PhotoTune is the patented step-by-step wizard that simplifies the correction of your image without the need to understand complicated color and tone controls. This has been enhanced to combine the new auto-correction algorithm, SkinTune color correction and sharpening. This makes the wizard the fastest and easiest way to optimize your images no matter what your experience level.

New!Pro Controls

PhotoTune 3 also adds a new professional interface for users who desire complete control. You have access to the tone, color, SkinTune and detail controls. PhotoTune takes away the complex concepts like levels and curves and and provides simply ways to make advanced adjustments like sharpening, portrait color correction and gray purity. With the simply, innovative controls you just slide your image in the preview space to make adjustments that look good to your eye. No need to understand complex histograms and curves.

Intuitive Black and White Conversions

You can create great looking black and white images from your color photos with PhotoTune as well. Simply flip the black and white switch and you are working just like Ansel Adams. Use the color controls to change the tone, just like using filters over your camera lens.

Skin Color Control

The SkinTune controls, which automatically color-correct portraits in a single click, have been improved to give the option to only correct the subjects skin, rather than the entire image. This makes it more useful when working with models where the rest of the scene is color correct, but the subject’s skin may need a correction.

Smart Filter

PhotoTune 3 can now be used as a Smart Filter in Photoshop CS3 and CS4 allowing you to make non-destructive, re-editable adjustments on Smart Objects like Raw files. When used in conjunction with the new Lightroom integration this creates a seamless, non-destructive workflow experience for your raw images.

New!Lightroom/Aperture Integration

Like other onOne products, PhotoTune 3 now supports integration with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Apple Aperture. This allows users to access PhotoTune 3 and its presets directly inside the workflow applications they use everyday. (note, Lightroom integration requires a full version of Photoshop as well.)

New!Recently Used Presets

PhotoTune 3 now allows users to save presets, which store all of the color and tone corrections, so they can be applied to other similar images. This can be accomplished inside of Photoshop directly, or inside of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or Apple Aperture.

New!onOne Panel

The new onOne Panel in Adobe Photoshop allows you to quickly launch PhotoTools without having to navigate through Photoshops menus. But it takes that power even farther by giving you access to your favorite presets right from the panel as well. This will save time by allowing you to apply your most frequently used effects right inside of Photoshop.

Whats new in PhotoTune 3.0.4

* Improved performance and stability
* Defect correction

OS : Windows XP/Vista/7 (x86/x64)

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