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القرآن الكريم - الرئيسية - الناشر - دستور المنتدى - صبر للدراسات - صبر نيوز - صبرالقديم - صبرفي اليوتيوب - سجل الزوار - من نحن - الاتصال بنا - دليل المواقع - قناة عدن


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آخر 10 مواضيع : الأثنين القادم فعالية تأبين كبرى لـ«فقيد» الوطن اللواء د عبدالله أحمد الحالمي في عدن (الكاتـب : nsr - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 6047 - الوقت: 12:13 AM - التاريخ: 07-04-2024)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يلتقي دول مجلس الأمن الخمس في الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 19895 - الوقت: 03:28 PM - التاريخ: 11-22-2021)           »          لقاء الرئيس الزبيدي بالمبعوث الامريكي بالرياض ١٨ نوفمبر٢٠٢١م (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9929 - الوقت: 09:12 PM - التاريخ: 11-18-2021)           »          الحرب القادمة ام المعارك (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 16179 - الوقت: 04:32 AM - التاريخ: 11-05-2021)           »          اتجاة الاخوان لمواجهة النخبة الشبوانية في معسكر العلم نهاية لاتفاق الرياض (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9606 - الوقت: 05:20 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          اقترح تعيين اللواء الركن /صالح علي زنقل محافظ لمحافظة شبوة (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9568 - الوقت: 02:35 AM - التاريخ: 11-02-2021)           »          ندعو لتقديم الدعم النوعي للقوات الجنوبية لمواجهة قوى الإرهاب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9608 - الوقت: 08:52 AM - التاريخ: 10-31-2021)           »          التأهيل والتدريب (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9236 - الوقت: 04:49 AM - التاريخ: 10-29-2021)           »          الرئيس الزبيدي يجري محادثات مع وفد رفيع المستوى من الاتحاد الأوروبي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9602 - الوقت: 12:56 PM - التاريخ: 10-27-2021)           »          تحرير ماتبقى من اراضي الجنوب العربي (الكاتـب : د/عبدالله أحمد بن أحمد - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 9512 - الوقت: 02:53 AM - التاريخ: 10-15-2021)

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع طريقة عرض الموضوع
قديم 05-05-2005, 05:36 PM
الصورة الرمزية صوت الجنوب
المـدير الـعـام
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2004
المشاركات: 2,259
قـائـمـة الأوسـمـة
افتراضي Al-hasani’s Press Conference

<img border="0" src="http://www.soutalgnoub.com/logo2.jpg" width="475" height="127">

Al-hasani’s Press Conference

Dear friends, brothers and sisters

The representatives of the mass media

Peace be upon you and the Allah's mercy and its blessings

Please allow me personally and my colleagues in the executive committee, general ******ship and all Southern Democratic Assembly members, inside and outside south Yemen to pass to you our appreciation for your attendance. We request your support by reflecting through your media the hardship of South Yemen’s People who have been living under the northern military occupation since the summer of 1994. We also would urge you to report on the desire and wishes of the southerners for Self-determination and for an immediate end to the northern military occupation. As you might be aware southerners are striving for an independent state with full sovereignty and hope to live with dignity, justice and freedom just like many nations of this world.

In this particular occasion we would like to take this opportunity to announce that Mr Ahmed Abdullah Al-hasani is a member of the Executive Committee of the Southern Democratic Assembly (TAJ). Mr Al-hasani is one of the founding members of the SDA inside the Yemen who did not wish to reveal his name due to security reason. He reached the stage where he couldn’t keep silent about the wrong doings of the occupiers in south Yemen. As a result of his brave actions he experienced an assassination attempt by the occupying regime, which made him realise that his life is becoming more in danger. After this dreadful incident he decided to escape and seek political refuge in the UK. He is now a declared executive committee member of the Assembly in the UK and wishes to continue his peaceful work with the rest of the team for the sake of our important cause. We strongly believe that his enormous experience will enrich and strengthen the Assembly’s position to achieve it is ultimate aim of independence.

The Southern Democratic Assembly adopts a clear vision in its constitution, policies and statements to remedy the current situation of the south and states its strategy for future independent southern state. These documents could be accessed and downloaded from: [فقط الأعضاء المسجلين والمفعلين يمكنهم رؤية الوصلات . إضغط هنا للتسجيل]

Today we can confirm before you the following:

1- We reject the coercive unity that was imposed upon us by military force and utterly refuse the results of 1994 war.
2- We call all decent and brave southerners to unite and stand as one man to end the northern military occupation and achieve independence.
3- We demand from the international community to pressurise the occupying regime to stop looting the southerner’s heritage, archive, properties and national resources. We also request the international community to order the regime to end the systematic deletion of the southerner’s identity and the well-organised removal and exclusions of southerners from their jobs. The international community should grant the south Yemen’s people full protection and care, as they are victims of brutal occupation.
4- We urge all the ******ships of the Arab world not to participate in the forthcoming celebration of the Yemeni unity that is going to take place in one of our southern governorates, Hadramoot.
5- We appeal to the southern Yemeni people not to submit to the threats of the security forces and participate in this celebration, which is just one of the regime’s show to decorate its tarnish picture.
6- We call for the International Security Council to use its power to implement the resolutions; 924 and 931 which were issued to stop imposing the unity by military force. It is also imperative that the UN should order the northern occupiers to withdraw their military and security forces from our homeland and grant the Southerners their right for self-determination immediately.
7- We call for all the key southern nationalists, politicians, and professionals to convene a national conference in order to find practical ways to resolve the current misery that the southerners are living in.
8- We appeal to the north Yemen’s people including its free politicians and intellectuals to understand the southerners’ right for Self-determination and to determine its future in such a democratic way.
9- We call for our brothers and friends in the Gulf Cooperation Council States, the Arab League and the Islamic World Organization, the British Commonwealth Countries, the European Union, the UN General Assembly, the International Security Council Members and all of the regional organizations and the international ones to support our country’s cause in seeking its lost justice in building its independent state.

Again we call for our cause to be taken into serious consideration which means taken care of the people of Southern Yemenis mainly inside the homeland who suffer great deal of various oppressions such as moral, material and psychological crushing and the deprivation from their land and the wealth of their country. They are also suffering from absolute poverty; in fact many of them resorted to the humiliating practices such as beggary. Despite that our country possesses terrific wealth but unfortunately its revenues go to the men of influence in the occupying country’s system.

Dr Abdullah Ahmad Bin Ahmad
President of The Southern Democratic Assembly

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